Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Be a couture fashion designer in a snip

Why spend loads on deconstructed couture designer clothes when you can be a DIY raw-edged, deconstructionalist designer in seconds?

Here's how:
1. Feel confident.
2. Take a pre-made garment from your wardrobe.
3. Have a loose idea of what sort of shape / design you want to end up with.
4. Wield a pair of scissors with abandonment.
5. Enjoy the snip, snip, snippety-snip.

I'm finding surprising fulfillment in the cutting up of selected skirts, tops and dresses that have languished unworn but still much loved in my wardrobe.

It started quietly several weeks ago with the snipping of hanging threads I think. It was compounded by my huge decluttering.

Like some weird force of nature - a quaint rebellion against the ridiculous notion of mass slavery of women to made-up media fashion trends or perhaps liberated inner child therapy or just a whim -  it has escalated into major garment alterations that are exhilarating (but not in a "Girl, Interrupted" way you understand).

My latest slashing was yesterday. I whipped a skirt from my wardrobe and slashed a good half metre off it. I wasn't even careful with exactly where the cut was. I let instinct take over and just let the scissors do their thing. Now I can wear it without walking like a Geisha (although I do love the Geisha-walk I don't like having to attempt it).

Now - joy. Empowerment. A skirt I loved for its pattern and fabric can be worn again without strait-jacketing my legs - maybe even with a cowl-thingy of the cut-off bit if I like.

Merrily go my scissors. I love deconstructed clothes. Especially the ones I deconstruct myself.

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